DL-21 'PONDA''
This is a accurate impression of the blaster seen in A New Hope
The Aqualish Ponda Baba drew his DL-21 blaster pistol in Chalmun's Cantina, before having his arm severed by the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The Blaster comes in the following forms:
Kit, Built and Ready to Troop

This is a accurate impression of the blaster seen in Empire Strikes Back.
The DL-21 blaster pistol was produced by BlasTech Industries. Dengar had a holstered DL-21 when aboard the Executor shortly after the Battle of Hoth.
The Blaster comes in the following forms:
Kit, Built and Ready to Troop

This is a accurate impression of the blaster seen in the Mandalorian.
The DL-21 pistol was produced by BlasTech Industries, DinDjarin kept a DL-21 oboard the Razor Crest
The Blaster comes in the following forms:
Kit, Built and Ready to Troop